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A Subject Index for <em>Living Without Hypocrisy: Spiritual Counsels of the Holy Elders of Optina</em>

A Subject Index for <em>Living Without Hypocrisy: Spiritual Counsels of the Holy Elders of Optina</em>

This book, neither in the printed nor the electronic versions, contains a table of contents or index…

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St. Maximus the Confessor: The Human Soul Comes Into Existence at Conception

St. Maximus the Confessor: The Human Soul Comes Into Existence at Conception

“In addition to all these things, I am extremely apprehensive about admitting this particular …

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St. John of Damascus on the <em>Communicatio Idiomatum</em>

St. John of Damascus on the <em>Communicatio Idiomatum</em>

"In the case of the person, however, whether we name it from both of the parts or from one of them, …

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The Order of the Reading of the Psalter

The Order of the Reading of the Psalter

The order of the reading of the Psalter (by kathismata) throughout the liturgical calendar.

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The Kathismata of the Psalter

The Kathismata of the Psalter

A table that shows the arrangement of the psalms into kathismata, as used in the Eastern Orthodox ch…

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St. Paisius Velichkovsky on the Translator’s Task

St. Paisius Velichkovsky on the Translator’s Task

"I began with all diligence to think and be concerned as to how I might correct the Slavonic Patrist…

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Introducing Read the Saints

Introducing Read the Saints

On the feast of the repose of St. Cyril, Equal to the Apostles, this website officially went live af…

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Index of St. Gregory the Theologian’s Orations

Index of St. Gregory the Theologian’s Orations

A page which provides citations for where to read each of St. Gregory the Theologian's orations in E…

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2022 Vision Casting

2022 Vision Casting

When I first began to keep my own index of Orthodox saints in English and then had the idea to build…

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