Saints Index
An alphabetical list of the Orthodox saints with works in English and where to read them.
About the Saints
A curated list of resources for learning more about the saints.
Posts that discuss how to read and study the saints.
“O brethren, I beg and pray you in the name of God’s compassion, believe in the Gospels and the witness of the Holy Church, and you will, while still here on earth, savour the blessedness of paradise.”
«О, братья, прошу вас и умоляю от лица Божьего милосердия, веруйте в Евангелие и во свидетельство Святой Церкви, и вы еще на земле вкусите райское блаженство.»
St. Silouan the Athonite
Translations of the saints and other authoritative sources.
Hear the Saints
Coming Soon – An alphabetical index of English audiobooks for the Orthodox saints.
Weekly wisdom from the saints.
Through the prayers of our holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us.
All images on this page were accessed from the Sinai Icon Collection. In the order they appear: “Virgin and Child with Two Angel Medallions,” “Menologion Icon for Twelve Months,” “Deesis and Three Hierarchs,” “Christ Pantokrator,” “First Ecumenical Council,” “Mosaic of the Transfiguration,” “Saint Dionysius.” Published through the Courtesy of the Michigan-Princeton-Alexandria Expeditions to the Monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai.