
  • Introducing Read the Saints


    On the feast of the repose of St. Cyril, Equal to the Apostles, this website officially went live after several months of preparation. There is still much in store that I hope will be of service to the Church and to Orthodox Christians everywhere. Before I discuss the broader vision I have for this website…

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  • St. John the Wonderworker #1


    In the womb of Mary, God and man were joined. She was the One Who served as it were as the ladder for the Son of God, Who descended from heaven. To strike a blow at Her veneration means to strike Christianity at the root, to destroy it in its very foundation. —The Orthodox Veneration…

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  • St. Gregory Palamas #1


    He who defines all things and is limited by none is contained in a small, makeshift manger. He who holds the universe and grasps it in the hollow of His hand, is wrapped in narrow swaddling bands and fastened into ordinary clothes. —St. Gregory Palamas, Homily 58.7

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  • St. Maximus the Confessor #2


    As much as He became comprehensible through the fact of His birth, by so much more do we now know Him to be incomprehensible precisely because of that birth. —St. Maximus the Confessor, Ambiguum 5

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  • St. Silouan the Athonite #1


    O my brethren the world over, repent while there is still time. God mercifully awaits our repentance. As God is love, so the Holy Spirit in the Saints is love. Ask, and the Lord will forgive. —St. Silouan the Athonite, Wisdom from Mount Athos, p. 79

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  • St. Cyprian of Carthage #1


    How great, dearest brothers, are the mysteries of the Lord’s Prayer, how many, how magnificent, gathered together in a few words, yet abundant in spiritual power. There is nothing whatever with regard to our pleading and our prayer omitted, nothing not contained in this summary of heavenly doctrine. —St. Cyprian of Carthage, On the Lord’s…

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  • St. Symeon the New Theologian #1


    For if the multitude of the stars, or if all the drops of rain, or if the sand no one will be able to count, and also the other creatures’ magnitudes and beauties, or their natures and arrangements, or their causes, such as they are, no one could be able either to tell or to…

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  • St. Maximus the Confessor #1


    The one who loves God prefers knowledge of him to all things made by him and is constantly devoted to it by desire. —St. Maximus the Confessor, Four Hundred Chapters on Love, 1.4

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  • 2022 Vision Casting


    When I first began to keep my own index of Orthodox saints in English and then had the idea to build this website around it, I knew that the project would be ongoing. Then the ideas just kept coming. Over time, my plan is to establish Read the Saints as a hub for multiple projects…

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