
  • Ante-Nicene Fathers: St. Cyprian of Carthage, Epistles 61-82


    The Epistles of St. Cyprian of Carthage Epistle LXI. to pomponius, concerning some virgins. ARGUMENT.—cyprian, with some of his colleagues, replies to his colleague pomponius, that virgins who had determined to maintain their state with continency and firmness, but who had yet subsequently been found in the same bed with men, if they were still…

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  • Ante-Nicene Fathers: St. Cyprian of Carthage, Epistles 41-60


    The Epistles of St. Cyprian of Carthage Epistle XLI. to cornelius, about cyprian’s approval of his ordination, and concerning felicissimus. ARGUMENT.—cyprian excuses himself for not having without hesitation believed in the ordination of cornelius, until he received the letters of his colleagues caldonius and fortunatus, which fully testified to its legitimacy; and incidentally repeats, in…

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  • Ante-Nicene Fathers: St. Cyprian of Carthage, Epistles 21-40


    The Epistles of St. Cyprian of Carthage Epistle XXI. lucian replies to celerinus. ARGUMENT.—lucian assents to the petition of celerinus. 1. Lucian to Celerinus, his lord, and (if I shall be worthy to be called so) colleague in Christ, greeting. I have received your letter, most dearly beloved lord and brother, in which you have…

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  • Ante-Nicene Fathers: St. Cyprian of Carthage, Epistles 1-20


    The Epistles of St. Cyprian of Carthage Epistle I. To Donatus. ARGUMENT.—cyprian had promised donatus that he would have a discourse with him concerning things divine, and now being reminded of his promise, he fulfils it. commending at length the grace of god conferred in baptism, he declares how he had been changed thereby; and,…

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  • Ante-Nicene Fathers: St. Hippolytus of Rome, Against Noetus


    Against the Heresy of One Noetus 1. Some others are secretly introducing another doctrine, who have become disciples of one Noetus, who was a native of Smyrna, (and) lived not very long ago. This person was greatly puffed up and inflated with pride, being inspired by the conceit of a strange spirit. He alleged that…

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