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[1] Again there was a certain Juliana, a virgin of Cæsarea in Cappadocia, said to be very learned and most faithful. When Origen the writer fled from the uprising of the pagans she received him, and supported him for two years at her own cost and waited on him. I found this written in a very old book of verses, in which had been written by Origen’s hand: [2] “I found this book at the house of Juliana the virgin at Cæsarea, when I was hidden by her. She used to say that she had received it from Symmachus himself, the Jewish interpreter.”

I have inserted the virtuous acts of these women as part of my plan, that we may know that it is possible to gain excellence in many ways, if we desire.

Source: Clarke, W. K. Lowther, trans. 1918. The Lausiac History of Palladius. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Page 171.