Index of Saints


(Abbreviation links lead to comprehensive lists of saints’ works in the series.)
ACTAncient Christian Texts
ACWAncient Christian Writers
AFApostolic Fathers. Besidsyes ANF, there are several translation available by:
1. Holmes.
2. Brannan.
3. Glimm et al.
ANFAnte-Nicene Fathers, ed. Roberts and Donaldson. A number following indicates the volume number (e.g., ANF 1 = ANF, volume 1).
CWSThe Classics of Western Spirituality
FOTCFather’s of the Church Series (Catholic University of America Press)
FOTEFThe Faith of the Early Fathers, volumes 1-3 (edited and translated by W. A. Jurgens).
LCLLoeb Classical Library
NPNFNicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, ed. Schaff. Numbers following indicate the series and volume number (e.g., NPNF 1.1 = NPNF series 1, volume 1).
PCPenguin Classics
OWThe Orthodox Word. Periodical published by St. Herman Press.
PPSPopular Patristics Series (St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press)
SDFAppears in volumes on the sayings of the desert fathers. These are available in two common English editions by:
1. Ward.
2. Wortley.
(Sp.?)The authorship of the resource listed may be spurious.
TTHTranslated Texts for Historians LUP

Education is entirely conditioned by sanctity; only a saint can be a true educator and enlightener.

—St. Justin Popovich, “Humanistic and Theanthropic Education”


Feast DayLinks
Alexander of AlexandriaMay 29
Alexey Mechev of MoscowJune 9
Alexis TothMay 7
Ambrose of MilanDec 7
Ambrose of OptinaJune 27
Oct 11
AmmonasJan 26
Amos the ProphetJune 15
    Amphilochios MakrisApr 16
    Amphilochios of IconiumNov 23
    Anastasios of SinaiApr 20
    Pope Anastasius I of RomeDec 19
    Anatoly of OptinaJan 25
    Andrew of CreteJuly 4
    Anthimos of ChiosOct 11
    Anthony of OptinaAug 7
    Anthony the GreatJan 17
    • Letters
    • (Sp.?) Philokalia, vol. 1
    • SDF
    Aphrahat (Aphraates) the PersianJan 29
    • NPNF 2.13
    Aristides the Philosopher and Holy MartyrSep 13
    Arsenios of CappadociaNov 10
    Arsenios of ParosJan 31
    Arsenius (Zhadanovsky) of SerpukhovSep 14
    Arsenius the GreatMay 8
    • SDF
    Athanasius of AlexandriaJan 18
    Athanasios of PariosJune 24
    Athenagoras of AthensJuly 24
    • ANF 2
    • ACW
    Augustine of HippoJune 15


    Feast DayLinks
    Barsanuphius of OptinaApril 1
    Oct 11
    Barsanuphius the GreatFeb 6
    • Series: FOTC, PPS
    Basil the GreatJan 1
    • Series: FOTC, LVL, NPNF 2.8, PPS
    Basil the new Hieromartyr, Bishop of KineshmaJuly 31
    Bede the VenerableMay 27
    Benedict of NursiaMar 14
    Braulio of SaragossaMar 26
    • Series: FOTC


    Feast DayLinks
    Caesarius of ArlesAug 27
    • Series: ACT, FOTC
    Celestine of RomeApr 8
    Christodoulos of PatmosMar 16
    Claudius Apollinaris of Hierapolis (the Apologist)Jan 8
    • ANF 8
    Clement of RomeNov 25
    • AF
    • ANF 1
    Constantine, Equal to the ApostlesMay 21
    Cyprian of AntiochOct 2
    Cyprian of CarthageAug 31
    • Series: ACW, ANF 5, FOTC, PPS
    Cyril of AlexandriaJune 9
    • Series: ACT, FOTC, PPS
    Cyril of JerusalemMar 18
    • Series: NPNF 2.7, FOTC, PPS
    Cyril (Smirnov) of KazanJan 26


    Feast DayLinks
    Damasus I of RomeDec 11
    Daniel the ProphetDec 17
      Demetrius of RostovOct 28
      Diadochos of PhotikiMar 29
      Dimitri KlepininJune 20
      Dionysius of AlexandriaOct 5
      Dionysius of CorinthNov 29
      • ANF 8
      Pope Dionysius of RomeDec 26
      • ANF 7
      Dionysius the AreopagiteOct 3
      Dorotheus of GazaAug 13
      Dumitru StăniloaeOct 4


      Feast DayLinks
      Ephraim of KatounakiaFeb 27
      Ephrem the SyrianJan 28
      Epiphanius, Bishop of CyprusMay 12
      Euthymius the GreatJan 20
      Ezekiel the ProphetJuly 21


        Feast DayLinks
        Firmilian of CaesareaOct 28
        Fructuosus of BragaApr 16
        • Series: FOTC (Iberian Fathers, vol. 2)
        Fulgentius, Bishop of RuspeJan 1
        • Series: FOTC


        Feast DayLinks
        Gabriel of the Seven Lakes MonasterySep 24
        Gabriel the Confessor of GeorgiaNov 2
        Gennadios ScholariosAug 25
        George Karslides the New Confessor of DramaNov 4
        Germanus, Patriarch of ConstantinopleMay 12
        • Series: PPS
        Gregory (Urgebadze) the Fool-for-Christ of SamtavroNov 2
        Gregory of NyssaJan 10
        • Series: ACW, CWS, FOTC, NPNF 2.5, PPS
        Gregory of SinaiAug 8
        Gregory of ToursNov 17
        Gregory PalamasNov 14
        Gregory Thaumaturgus (the Wonderworker)Nov 17
        • Series: ANF 6, FOTC
        Gregory the Great (the Dialogist)Mar 12
        Gregory the TheologianJan 25


        Feast DayLinks
        Habakkuk the ProphetDec 2
          Haggai the Holy ProphetDec 16
            Herman of AlaskaAug 9
            • Little Russian Philokalia
            Hesychios the Theologian of Jerusalem (the Priest)Mar 28
            • Philokalia, vol. 1
            Hieromartyr Hilarion, Archbishop of VereyDec 15
            Hilarion of OptinaSep 18
            Hilary of PoitiersJan 13
            • Series: FOTC, NPNF 2.9
            Hippolytus of RomeJan 30
            • Series: ANF 5, PPS


            Feast DayLinks
            Iakovos TaslikesNov 22
            Ignatios Xanthopoulos
            • Philokalia, vol. 5
            Ignatius BrianchaninovApr 30
            Ignatius of AntiochDec 20
            • Series: ACW, AF, ANF 1, FOTC, PPS
            Innocent I of RomeMar 25
            Innocent of AlaskaMar 31
            Oct 6
            Innocent of KhersonMay 25
            Irenaeus of LyonsAug 23
            • Series: ACW, ANF 1, PPS
            Isaac the Syrian, Bishop of NinevehApr 12
            Isaiah the ProphetMay 9
              Isaiah the SolitaryJuly 3
              • Philokalia, vol. 1
              Isidore of PelusiumFeb 4
              Isidore of SevilleApr 4
              • ACW

              Never neglect reading from the Fathers. You will benefit greatly because the saints set an example for you.

              —St. Joseph the Hesychast, Letter 26


              Feast DayLinks
              James the Apostle and Brother of Our LordOct 23
                Jeremiah the ProphetMay 1
                  JeromeJune 15
                  • Series: ACT, ACW, LCL, FOTC, NPNF 2.3, NPNF 2.6
                  Job the Long-SufferingMay 6
                    Joel the ProphetOct 19
                      John Alekseyev of ValamoJune 5
                      John CassianFeb 28
                      • Philokalia, vol. 1
                      • Series: CWS, NPNF 2.11
                      John ChrysostomNov 13
                      • Series: ACW, FOTC, NPNF 1.9-1.14, PPS
                      John ClimacusMar 30
                      • Series: CWS
                      John Maximovitch (of Shanghai and San Francisco)July 2
                      John (Maximovitch) of TobolskJune 10
                      John of DamascusDec 4
                      John of KarpathosAug 25
                      • Philokalia, vol. 1
                      John of KronstadtDec 20
                      John the ProphetFeb 6
                      John the TheologianMay 8
                        John Vostorgov the New HieromartyrAug 23
                        Jonah the ProphetSep 22
                          Joseph of OptinaMay 9
                          Joseph of Petrograd, the New HieromartyrDec 15
                          Joseph the HesychastAug 16
                          Joshua the Son of NunSep 1
                            Jude the Apostle and Brother of Our LordJune 19
                              Justin PopovichJune 1
                              Justin the Philosopher and MartyrJune 1
                              • Series: ANF 1, FOTC
                              Justinian the EmperorNov 14


                              Feast DayLinks
                              Kallistos Angelikoudes
                              • Philokalia, vol. 5
                              Kallistos Kataphygiotes
                              • Philokalia, vol. 5
                              Kallistos Telikoudes
                              • Philokalia, vol. 5
                              Kallistos XanthopoulosNov 22
                              • Philokalia, vol. 5
                              Kassiani the HymnographerSep 7
                              Kosmas AitolosAug 24


                              Feast DayLinks
                              Leander of SevilleMay 13
                              • FOTC (Iberian Fathers, vol. 1)
                              Pope Leo the GreatFeb 18
                              • Series: FOTC, NPNF 2.12
                              Leonid of OptinaOct 11
                              Luke the Apostle and EvangelistOct 18
                                Luke, Archbishop of Simferopol and All CrimeaJune 11


                                Feast DayLinks
                                Macarius of OptinaSep 7
                                Macrina the YoungerJuly 19
                                • Her words are preserved in St. Gregory of Nyssa’s dialogue On the Soul and the Resurrection.
                                Makarios of CorinthApr 17
                                Makarios the Great of EgyptJan 19
                                Malachi the Holy ProphetJan 3
                                  Maria SkobtsovaJuly 20
                                  Marina the Great Martyr of AntiochJuly 14
                                  Mark of EphesusJan 19
                                  Mark the Apostle and EvangelistApr 25
                                    Mark the AsceticMar 5
                                    Martin of BragaMar 20
                                    • FOTC (Iberian Fathers, vol. 1)
                                    Matrona the Blind of MoscowMay 2
                                    Matthew the Apostle and EvangelistNov 16
                                      Maximos Kavsokalyvites (the Hut-burner)Jan 13
                                      Maximus the ConfessorJan 21
                                      Maximus the GreekJan 21
                                      Maximus of TurinJune 25
                                      Melito of SardisApr 1
                                      Methodius the Hieromartyr of OlympusJune 20
                                      Micah the Holy ProphetJan 5
                                        Moses of OptinaJune 16
                                        Oct 11
                                        Moses the Ethiopian (the Black)Aug 28
                                        Moses the Holy Prophet and God-SeerSep 4


                                          Feast DayLinks
                                          Nahum the ProphetDec 1
                                            Nazarius of ValaamFeb 23
                                            Neilos the Ascetic of SinaiNov 12
                                            Nektarios, Bishop of Pentapolis and Wonderworker of AeginaNov 9
                                            Nephon, Bishop of ConstantianaDec 23
                                            Nicetas, Bishop of RemesianaJune 24
                                            • FOTC
                                            Nektary of OptinaApr 29
                                            Oct 11
                                            Neophytos the RecluseJan 24
                                            Nicholas CabasilasJune 20
                                            Nicodemus the HagioriteJuly 14
                                            Nikolai VelimirovichMar 18
                                            • The Prologue from Ochrid
                                            • Works
                                            Nikon of OptinaJune 25
                                            Nilus of Sora (Nil Sorsky)May 7
                                            Nilus the Myrrhgusher of Mount AthosNov 12


                                            Feast DayLinks
                                            Obadiah the ProphetNov 19
                                              Optatus of MilevisJune 17

                                              Brethren, if you will constantly compel yourselves to read the patristic books, and by being instructed by what is in them you will always correct yourselves and enkindle yourselves, in accordance with him who said: My heart grew hot within me, and in my meditation a fire shall flame out (Ps. 38:4), and will force yourselves to pray fervently every day with tears before God and fulfill His holy commandments—then warm fervor and zeal will be given you by Christ God.

                                              —St. Paisius Velichkovsky, quoted in The Orthodox Word #53, p. 232


                                              Feast DayLinks
                                              Pachomios of ChiosOct 14
                                              Pachomius the GreatMay 15
                                              Pacianus, Bishop of BarcelonaMar 9
                                              • FOTC (Iberian Fathers, vol. 3)
                                              Paisios of Mount AthosJuly 12
                                              Paisius VelichkovskyNov 15
                                              • Little Russian Philokalia, vol. 4
                                              Pamphilus the MartyrFeb 16
                                              • (Sp.?) An Exposition of the Chapters of the Acts of the Apostles (ANF 6)
                                              Paphnutius the AsceticFeb 15
                                              Patrick, Enlightener of IrelandMar 17
                                              • ACW
                                              Paul the Holy ApostleJune 29
                                                Paulinus the Merciful, Bishop of NolaJan 23
                                                • ACW
                                                Peter MogilaJan 1
                                                Peter of AlexandriaNov 25
                                                • ANF 6
                                                Peter of DamascusFeb 9
                                                • Philokalia, vol. 3
                                                Peter the Holy ApostleJune 29
                                                  Peter the Pionite (the Egyptian)Jan 27
                                                  • SDF
                                                  Philaret Gumilevsky, Archbishop of ChernigovAug 9
                                                  Philaret of MoscowNov 19
                                                  Philothei of AthensFeb 19
                                                  Philotheos KokkinosOct 11
                                                  Philotheos of Sinai
                                                  • Philokalia, vol. 3
                                                  Photius the GreatFeb 6
                                                  Polycarp of SmyrnaFeb 23
                                                  • AF
                                                  • ANF 1
                                                  Porphyrios the KavsokalyviteDec 2
                                                  Proclus of ConstantinopleNov 20
                                                  Prosper of AquitaineJuly 7
                                                  • ACW


                                                  Feast DayLinks
                                                  Quodvultdeus, Bishop of CarthageFeb 19
                                                  • ACW


                                                  Feast DayLinks
                                                  Raphael of BrooklynFeb 27
                                                  Raphael of LesvosApr 9
                                                  Romanos the MelodistOct 1


                                                  Feast DayLinks
                                                  Sebastian DabovichNov 30
                                                  Sebastian of Optina and KaragandaApr 6
                                                  Seraphim of BogucharskFeb 13
                                                  Seraphim of SarovJan 2
                                                  Seraphim of Uglich, the New HieromartyrOct 27
                                                  Seraphim of ViritsaMar 21
                                                  Serapion, Bishop of ThmuisMar 21
                                                  Sergei Menchev the New MartyrDec 9
                                                  Sergius of RadonezhSep 25
                                                  Serapion of AntiochOct 30
                                                  • ANF 8
                                                  Silouan the AthoniteSep 24
                                                  Solomon the Prophet and KingDec 15
                                                    Sophronius of JerusalemMar 11
                                                    Sophrony (Sakharov) of EssexJuly 11
                                                    Pope Stephen I the HieromartyrAug 2
                                                    • Fragments preserved in collections of St. Cyprian of Carthage’s letters (74.1, 75.18)
                                                    Sulpicius SeverusJan 29
                                                    • Series: FOTC, NPNF 2.11
                                                    Symeon MetaphrastisNov 9
                                                    • Philokalia, vol. 3
                                                    Symeon the New TheologianMar 12
                                                    Oct 12
                                                    Symeon, Archbishop of ThessalonikiSep 15
                                                    Syncletica of AlexandriaJan 5
                                                    • SDF


                                                    Feast DayLinks
                                                    Valentin SventitskyOct 7
                                                    Victorinus of PettauNov 2
                                                    • Series: ACW, ANF 7
                                                    Vincent of LerinsMay 24
                                                    • Series: FOTC, NPNF 2.11
                                                    Vladimir the New Hieromartyr, Metropolitan of KievJan 25


                                                    Feast DayLinks
                                                    Zechariah the Holy ProphetFeb 8
                                                      Zephaniah the ProphetDec 3
                                                        Zosima (Verkhovsky) of SiberiaOct 24

                                                        Calendar of Saints

                                                        October 2024

                                                        Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
                                                        • St. Romanos the Melodist
                                                        • St. Cyprian of Antioch
                                                        • St. Dionysius the Areopagite
                                                        • St. Dumitru Stăniloae
                                                        • St. Dionysius of Alexandria
                                                        • St. Innocent of Alaska (Glorification)
                                                        • St. Valentin Sventitsky
                                                        • St. Leonid of Optina
                                                        • St. Philotheos Kokkinos
                                                        • St. Pachomios of Chios
                                                        • St. Luke the Apostle and Evangelist
                                                        • St. Joel the Prophet
                                                        • St. James the Apostle
                                                        • St. Zosima (Verkhovsky) of Siberia
                                                        • St. Seraphiim of Uglich, the New Hieromartyr
                                                        • St. Demetrius of Rostov
                                                        • St. Firmilian of Caesarea
                                                        • St. Serapion of Antioch
                                                        October 5, 2024
                                                        • St. Dionysius of Alexandria

                                                        October 6, 2024
                                                        • St. Innocent of Alaska (Glorification)

                                                        October 7, 2024
                                                        • St. Valentin Sventitsky

                                                        October 11, 2024
                                                        • St. Leonid of Optina

                                                        • St. Philotheos Kokkinos

                                                        October 14, 2024
                                                        • St. Pachomios of Chios

                                                        October 18, 2024
                                                        • St. Luke the Apostle and Evangelist

                                                        October 19, 2024
                                                        • St. Joel the Prophet

                                                        October 23, 2024
                                                        • St. James the Apostle

                                                        October 24, 2024
                                                        • St. Zosima (Verkhovsky) of Siberia

                                                        October 27, 2024
                                                        • St. Seraphiim of Uglich, the New Hieromartyr

                                                        October 28, 2024
                                                        • St. Demetrius of Rostov

                                                        • St. Firmilian of Caesarea

                                                        October 30, 2024
                                                        • St. Serapion of Antioch

                                                        November 2, 2024
                                                        • St. Gabriel the Confessor of Georgia

                                                        • St. Gregory the Fool-for-Christ of Samtavro

                                                        • St. Victorinus of Pettau

                                                        November 4, 2024
                                                        • St. George Karslides the New Confessor of Drama